Campus Life

School Counseling

Comprehensive in Scope
Preventative in Design
Developmental in Nature
The St. Scholastica Academy School Counseling Department strives to meet the unique needs of all students. In an effort to do so, a comprehensive school counseling program meeting all Archdiocese of New Orleans Catholic Identity Standards and current state and national standards is utilized to reach all students and ensure a successful implementation of social and emotional, academic, college and career, and spiritual learning opportunities. The delivery of this program focuses on a school counseling curriculum, responsive services, and individual planning rooted in the spirit of the gospels and the Benedictine charism of prayer, work, study, and community.


The standards for academic development guide the school counseling program to implement strategies and activities to support and maximize student learning. Academic development includes acquiring attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to effective learning in school and throughout life. Important components include employing strategies to achieve school success and understanding the relationship of academics to the world of work.

Social and Emotional

The standards for social and emotional development provide a foundation for our school counseling program to assist students as they progress through school and into adulthood. Social/emotional development contributes to academic and career success. The acquisition of skills, attitudes, and knowledge that help students understand and respect self and others, acquire effective interpersonal skills, understand safety and survival skills, and develop into contributing members of our society is key.

College and Career

The standards for career development guide the school counseling program to provide a foundation for the acquisition of skills, attitudes, and knowledge to make successful transitions from school to post-secondary training, into the world of work, and throughout the life span. Employing strategies to achieve future career success, job satisfaction, and an understanding of the relationship between personal qualities, education and the world of work is vital.
St. Scholastic Academy school counselors are masters-level, certified and/or licensed professionals and members of the Louisiana and American School Counselors Associations and the National Association for College Admission Counseling.


St. Scholastica Academy is a Catholic, all-girls, college-preparatory high school located in Covington, Louisiana. 
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